Publications and Awards

The Learning World has set itself the goal of shaping not only the learning content, but also the learning spaces of the future. Here you can find out which content has been recognized with awards and never miss a publication from the Learning World team.


Conception and design of learningstreams

Read in the ZWF which formats are developed in the learning world and how learning and training formats are linked.

Inspiring learning spaces

Under #WeiterbildungÖffnetTüren, the Fraunhofer Academy has bundled learning locations to make the learning landscape in the Fraunhofer Institutes visible.

linc - the smallest seminar room in the world

Designing a workplace-oriented and multifunctional learning environment. Learn more here. 


Design of a workplace-oriented and multifunctional learning environment.


Innovation Award for Digital Education

The Innovation Award for Digital Education delina is an award for concepts and projects that combine innovative future technologies and media with everyday learning. 

Learning world awarded as "Learning place that inspires"

The Learning World is distinguished as one of the very special learning places in the Fraunhofer world.